Certified Reference Material (CRM)

The National Quality Control Program (PNCQ) is accredited as a Certified Reference Material (CRM) Producer according to the international requirements of the Brazilian Association for Technical Standards (ABNT) standard NBR ISO 17034:2017, through the General Accrediting Coordination of the Brazilian Institute of Metrology, Quality, and Technology (Cgcre-Inmetro).

The CRMs are homogeneous, stable standards, intended for analysis or analytical studies to ensure the validation of results. The CRMs can be used to calibrate equipment, assign values to other materials, validate and verify the performance of analytical systems and control the quality. Property values and associated uncertainties and trackabilities are defined in a certificate accompanying the product.

The reference materials are characterized through metrologically valid procedures; therefore, the certified value of the property represents the best estimate of the true value within a confidence interval. The methods utilized by PNCQ for characterization were inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS).

A Reference Material Producer (RMP) must show its technical and scientific expertise to ensure proper quality in producing a CRM. In Brazil, PNCQ performs a pioneering role in the production of a CRM in lyophilized human serum in the clinical analysis sector, making the following biochemistry parameters available to the market: calcium, creatinine, uric acid, glucose, sodium, potassium, and magnesium.

The demand for new reference materials is growing, both due to the improved accuracy of measurement equipment and the more accurate and dependable data requirement in analytical procedures for accreditation processes of the clinical labs and validations of in vitro diagnostic reactions.

Aware of that, and for being at the forefront of the market demands in the country, PNCQ will keep investing in this segment through its commitment to contribute to the continuous improvement of lab quality.


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