
Vitamina D: Novos Valores de Referência

O Departamento de Metabolismo Ósseo e Mineral da Sociedade Brasileira de Endocrinologia e Metabologia – SBEM, presidido pela Dra. Carolina Moreira, informou que os valores de normalidade da 25 OH vitamina D vêm sendo discutidos há algum tempo.

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Mudanças no Simples Nacional a partir de janeiro de 2018

Nenhuma empresa laboratorial privada está isenta de pagamento de impostos e, portanto, a melhor opção é conhecer qual é o regime tributário que atende melhor aos interesses da empresa laboratorial.

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Courses in the area of Chromatography – Agilent / PNCQ

Agilent offers theoretical-practical courses to Chromatography users.

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External Quality Control in Parasitology

The parasitological fecal test is offered routinely by the laboratories to their clients and PNCQ offers the Basic Parasitology Program of PRO-EX, with virtual images for the identification of protozoa and intestinal helminthes, sent monthly to more than 5.100 Associates.

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PNCQ releases PRO-EX for Adenovirus, Chikungunya IgM, Visceral Leishmaniasis and Zika virus

Always innovating in the laboratory area, PNCQ releases new PRO-EX – Advanced External Quality Control Programs.

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PRO-EX for Autoimmunity now in individual flasks

From September on the constituents of the Autoimmunity Program will be available in individual flasks.

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Laboratories should also perform CEQ of the differential leukocyte count

xOne of the tests performed in greater number in the daily routine of the laboratories is Blood Count.

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Assessoria Científica gratuita para nossos Associados

Os Laboratórios Participantes do PNCQ recebem, além do kit controle mensal contratado, diversos benefícios. Entre eles, contam com a Assessoria Científica de renomados profissionais, em diversas especialidades das Análises Clínicas, confira abaixo.

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Image result for Quality Factor application

The executive manager of Stimulus to Innovation and Evaluation of the Sector Quality, of ANS, Doctor Ana Paula Cavalcante, announced during a meeting held this Thursday, August 3rd , new criteria for Quality Factor application.

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Download the Collection Manual in Clinical Laboratory of PNCQ .

The first edition of the Collection Manual was released in 2014 and now the second edition, October 2016, is available for download.

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