The PNCQ Manager software Version 7.0 is now available

The PNCQ Manager software has been updated in Version 7.0 with template documents that support the requirements in the SNA DICQ 7th ed. Manual

The PNCQ Manager software has been updated in Version 7.0 with template documents that support the requirements in the SNA DICQ – 7th ed. Manual.

Any of the labs with earlier versions of the software are entitled to a FREE update.

To receive your free update, please send an email to, stating:

  • Participating Lab code in the PNCQ or Business Tax ID (CNPJ)
  • City and year of participation in the PNCQ Manager Course or date of purchase of the license*

*For laboratories that have only purchased the software and have not yet participated in the course.

You will receive your updates via email, including all instructions. We’ve included new document templates that contain some changes and improvements.

Interested in the PNCQ Manager Course but haven’t enrolled in classes yet?

Take a look at our PNCQ Manager Courses schedule here.

Who can receive discounts on Certification through SNA-DICQ? Find out by clicking here.


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